Estructura Formar crear Concebir Engendrar Procrear Originar Producir Elaborar Causar Ocasionar Provocar Desencadenar Ensamblar Empalmar Encajar Engranar Modelar Labrar Formar Moldear Manufacturar Llevar a cabo Configurar COnformar Componer Formar Contruir Integrar Crear Hacer Producir Rollos Churros Estirar alargar Homogeneizar Espiral Juntar Acumular Solidificar Fabricar edificar Hacer erigir Levantar Erguir Armar Montar Componer Fundar Instituir Crear Instaurar Establecer Desarollar Expandir Tallar esculpir labrar entretallar trabajar Laborear Curtir Friccionar Fastidiar Molestar Sacar Develar formar Crear Deshojar Escarbar Formarse Hendir Escindir Viruta Labrar Modelar Dar forma
Construct Build Build up Compose Create Design Establish Grow flourish Become Cultivate Develop Assemble Erect Evolve Form Make Manufacture Produce Raise reconstruct Set up Cast Compile compose Contrive engineer Fabricate Forge Frame Model Rear Sculpture Synthesize Briong About Fit together Jerry ‘ build Knock together Put together Put up Throw Together Throw up Amass Bring together Collect Convene Gather Meet Mobilize Summon Agglomerate Convoke Group Unite Make the scene Form Sculpt Model Shape Build Construct Embody Forge Mold Fabricate Lift Boost Promote Push Support Sustain Carve Chisel Divide Engrave Etch Incise Hack Mold Sculp shape Slice Chip Dissect Dissever Section Split Grave Hew Sonder trim Prune shave
Shorten Wittle down slice off Slice Insculpt Chisel Hack
Construct Build Build up Compose Create Design Establish Grow flourish Become Cultivate Develop Assemble Erect Evolve Form Make Manufacture Produce Raise reconstruct Set up Cast Compile compose Contrive engineer Fabricate Forge Frame Model Rear Sculpture Synthesize Briong About Fit together Jerry ‘ build Knock together Put together Put up Throw Together Throw up Amass Bring together Collect Convene Gather Meet Mobilize Summon Agglomerate Convoke Group Unite Make the scene Form Sculpt Model Shape Build Construct Embody Forge Mold Fabricate Lift Boost Promote Push Support Sustain Carve Chisel Divide Engrave Etch Incise Hack Mold Sculp shape Slice Chip Dissect Dissever Section Split Grave Hew Sonder trim Prune shave
Shorten Wittle down slice off Slice Insculpt Chisel Hack