Tortilla Cósmica 

Amsterdam 2021
Theoneminutes - Snack or Food Pill

This video was recorded by me during an encounter with The Zapatista women comission in October 2021 at OT301 during the giraholanda in Amsterdam. Drawings and animations are Muisca designs found in gold sculptures from Colombia. Text is inspired by Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui's "Un mundo ch'ixi es possible".  A big geeting for the Zapatista women, and their daily rebelion. 

In one tortilla making all the cosmos is present.
This tortilla was made by the hands of a rebel woman.
Tortillas are made with rythm, and spirals.
Food is medicine when we ackowledge the magic of transformation, the long shared history of humans and plants and the wisdom they carry into our cells.
Time is a spiral: Past-present-future meet in the ancestrality of corn.
We, the people from Abya Yala are the children of corn, our bodies are corn, we are human because of corn.
Dystopia is happening now with transgenic corn killing its diversity and autonomy and posioning our bodies and territories. What is the future of corn? That will be ours.